Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Finding our rhythm

Well, we're a week into this Stay at Home Mom business, and things are going rather well, I'd say.  The mornings are still too early (the bus comes at 8:04am) and I still often have to shake Griffin out of bed at 7:20, but I suspect as the days get shorter and it starts to get dark earlier, that getting his protesting little butt into bed at a decent hour might be a little easier.  So far he is enjoying school.  I had a great chat with his teacher on the phone on the 2nd day of school, and two days later they had an EA (Educational Assistant) for him, to take him out of the class for an hour each day and do individual work with him, and let him decompress from the insanity that is a grade one class.  (This is a strategy we used as his previous school, and it worked very well.) We're incredibly lucky that his classroom teacher spent 8 year teaching special education, before becoming a grade one teacher.  The school is also so tiny - 5 classes, plus the Kindergarten kids...which makes a huge difference on the volume and chaos of school time, both things that Asperger's kids generally have issues with.

Corben and I are falling into our own rhythm here at home.  There is breakfast to eat after Griffin leaves, and errands to run.  I try to split naptime between getting some work done that I need to do that he's not particularly interested in, balanced with a bit of quiet time of my own - tea and reading, or blogging.  I'm about to bust open my fabric bins to try and eek out a bit of quilting time in the afternoon, for a friend's baby that is coming soon.  Naptime usually ends right around the same time that Griffin arrives back home on the bus (although naptime is becoming more infrequent...which Mama no likey!) and we usually all join in together to start on dinner.

Steve was away for the past two weeks, and having him join in on the fun has been great, although he's usually up and gone by the time the kids awake.  Having him home means that I've also been able to give a bit of time to some friends that need a bit of a helping hand, one of whom is in the hospital with some pretty serious issues.  It's important to me to be able to do that in my community and beyond...if we can't count on our friends to be there when we need a hand, then what the heck is the point.  I HATED being too busy to find time to help a friend in need, and now I'm not anymore, and that feels amazing.

So that's us, for now, in a nutshell!  I still love everything about this place!


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